In humanities we were supposed to work in a partnership and present an imovie on the pharaoh we had selected. Alvin and I chose Queen Nefertiti. I think we did pretty good work on it. We

both tried our best to research the questions. The issue with researching on the websites were that they didn't help much because researchers at this point in time aren't very certain that Queen Nefertiti ever was a pharaoh. So most websites aren't very accurate on describing her. Wich was a little annoying at times. The one thing I know for sure I have to improve for future presentations is, TO SPEAK SLOWER!!! I realized right away that I spoke way tooo fast which reduced the quality of the video.
The one other thing I found a little annoying was that sometimes Alvin wasn't exactly cooperating. He did most of time, but sometimes I felt he could have done a little bit more work. But overall I think we did a pretty good job on our project. Stephanie's book helped us quite a bit with answering some questions.( THANKS FOR BORROWING THAT BOOK STEPHANIE) Along with that, Ms. Nadaraj helped us figure out how the MLA thing worked. At one point in time I got extremely irritated because every time we recorded on imovie it wouldn't play back. Lucky for us Owen figured out what we had done soo stupidly.(We had accidentally put it on record from input rather than microphone or something like that.)
As part of this blog, I'm supposed to reflect on someone else's imovie and I chose Tem and Yu Ern's. I personally thought Tem and Yu Ern did a GREAT job on the imovie itself on King Tut. At first I felt a bit sorry for them because the first day Tem had to leave early and on the second day Yu Ern was absent so Tem didn't know what Yu Ern had and hadn't done, so they got a little behind on that. But they caught up eventually because they got an extra couple of days to complete it. (Lucky them) I think they reached all the main goals of the rubric.
Their pictures were of great quality and went pretty well with the narrations. Their voice was also crystal clear except a couple times similar to what I did, they talked faster than what the human brain could process. They had really good vocal variety in their presentations so it made it all exciting and not boring like it would have been if they spoke in a straight voice... The only thing I think they were missing was the MLA citing. Otherwise I think it was really good.
The one thing wich I found a little funny was when Yu Ern suddenly "shouted" MUMMIFICATION!! I think that wasn't on purpose but must have happened because something surprised her or because she was just getting nerve-racked about time running out causing her to put a little bit extra stress on that word. Tem was mentioning to me how she was really mad when some random 8th grader walked into the room and started talking in front of the screen while they were close to the end of filming. I could kind of connect with her on that annoyance when we ended up recording a lot only to find out that it wouldn't play back. I felt SOOO angry when that kept happening so I can only imagine how torturous it was to them already being behind and all that. This is what I think about their group and my group's iMovie presentations.
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