Wednesday, January 26, 2011

City Connection Reflection...

In humanities we were told to reflect on our City Connections presentation. Here it is:

What would you improve for future presentations/projects?

For future presentations, there are a couple of things, I would improve. One is to know my facts better, so I won’t have to keep referring to my PowerPoint. Some of the reasons for wanting to improve are as follows:

· To be able to look at the audience

· It would project my voice clearer

· It would show the audience that I am confident and know what I am saying.

· It would keep the audience’s attention towards me, rather than getting bored of watching me talk to the board.

Another habit of mine I would like to get over for presentations, is to talk slower to make it clear for the audience. I should conduct more research and understand the topic thoroughly

4) What did you learn from the city presentations of others?

I liked the way some of them went into graphics and experimented with different features of graphic presentation. I learnt about many different cities and many facts which I am learning for the very first time. It was interesting to find out how many civilizations developed. I realized that the more time and effort I put into the research of my presentation, the greater results I would get. Something I figured out was that the people that did their City presentation on where they are from found it easier to get the facts straight because they have learnt quite a lot about it.

5) How did you meet each of the requirements from the rubric?

I tried to meet all the requirements of the rubric by reading the rubric and then collecting the main points, getting the necessary information off the internet. I could have improved my creativity by adding more colorful graphics to the slides.

6) What is your analysis of your performance?

If I were to analyze my performance, I’d say that my facts were pretty good. I had tried to include all the requirements of the rubric .Also; I got good pictures to express each slide, even though there could have been a few more graphics. The downsides of my performance were the way I had organized my thought wasn’t that great and my presentation to the class was not that great either. My thought is that the pictures got clustered on the slides. I could have put the graphics inside the “Notepads” to make it look neat. Maybe even added a few more slides to evenly spread out the text on the slides.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Learning Profile

During Humanities, we have been learning about our learning profiles. We found out our profile by conducting "tests" to see which is your dominant hemisphere in your brain, eye, ear, hand, and leg. I ended up with Profile "L" which means that I am a Gestalt Dominant Learner.

I learn best when I am relaxed. When I'm stressed I tend to not be able to remember things. Also, when I'm processing new things, I need to be alone in a distraction-free environment. Sometimes listening to my own music helps me to concentrate. Along with that, I need to move around a bit during class.

I need to be able to still listen to what people are saying even when I'm under stress instead of just zoning out into my own world.

The strategies that would help me in my learning include learning to manage my time, forcing myself to finish what I start, doing things rather than just seeing and hearing, and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a choice.

I would like my teachers to know that when I listen to music of my own choice, I have a tendency to concentrate or do my work with more of an ease. Along with that, I find that when someone makes annoying tapping noises, or opens and closes their pencil case zipper, etc. it's very hard for me to concentrate and I tend to get very annoyed and mad or stressed. Following that, if I am thinking about something and suddenly my train of thought
get intercepted, I tend to forget everything I was thinking about.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year Blogpost!!

        For the coming year of 2011 I have 2 New Year's resolutions I would like to share with you. My first New Year's resolution is to try my best in school. This is because even if I don't get the grade I had hoped for, I still feel proud of myself when I remember that I have put all my effort and tried my best on my work. 
        My other New Year's resolution is to improve my tennis. The reason behind this is because I feel proud when I see the drastic changes in how my tennis has improved over the years. Tennis is something I have been playing/learning since I was 6/7 and I love playing it.  
       I didn't do anything special for Christmas but I did spend other parts of my holiday with some old friends and relatives. I got to visit one of my friends who moved from the USA around the same time I did. But the weird part about that, is that my mom and her mom were school friends and now we both are friends. It seems pretty weird when I come to think about it. I also got to play with my 2 year old cousin and spend some time with my grandparents.  
        I think something interesting that not many people know about me is that I like to perform in front of people. I enjoy singing the most though. I enjoy performing but I ALWAYS get nervous at the start of the performance. So this is my first blog of the year of 2011. HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!!
