In humanities we were told to reflect on our City Connections presentation. Here it is:
What would you improve for future presentations/projects?
For future presentations, there are a couple of things, I would improve. One is to know my facts better, so I won’t have to keep referring to my PowerPoint. Some of the reasons for wanting to improve are as follows:
· To be able to look at the audience
· It would project my voice clearer
· It would show the audience that I am confident and know what I am saying.
· It would keep the audience’s attention towards me, rather than getting bored of watching me talk to the board.
Another habit of mine I would like to get over for presentations, is to talk slower to make it clear for the audience. I should conduct more research and understand the topic thoroughly
4) What did you learn from the city presentations of others?
I liked the way some of them went into graphics and experimented with different features of graphic presentation. I learnt about many different cities and many facts which I am learning for the very first time. It was interesting to find out how many civilizations developed. I realized that the more time and effort I put into the research of my presentation, the greater results I would get. Something I figured out was that the people that did their City presentation on where they are from found it easier to get the facts straight because they have learnt quite a lot about it.
5) How did you meet each of the requirements from the rubric?
I tried to meet all the requirements of the rubric by reading the rubric and then collecting the main points, getting the necessary information off the internet. I could have improved my creativity by adding more colorful graphics to the slides.
6) What is your analysis of your performance?
If I were to analyze my performance, I’d say that my facts were pretty good. I had tried to include all the requirements of the rubric .Also; I got good pictures to express each slide, even though there could have been a few more graphics. The downsides of my performance were the way I had organized my thought wasn’t that great and my presentation to the class was not that great either. My thought is that the pictures got clustered on the slides. I could have put the graphics inside the “Notepads” to make it look neat. Maybe even added a few more slides to evenly spread out the text on the slides.